We are

14 climate and environment NGOs based in thirteen European countries working together to put Europe on track for achieving a safe and stable climate for current and future generations. We are committed to push our governments to accelerate climate action in our countries and to keep them accountable for their actions.

Project period

September 2022

September 2025

We want

We believe that tackling dangerous climate change is everybody’s business and governments above all must lead the way in drastically accelerating climate action all over Europe in the next couple of years.

This year, EU countries will put forward their concrete climate and energy pathways for 2030 that should deeply transform our systems. These plans are called National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and will cover the period 2021-2030. This gives us seven years to put Europe on track towards achieving climate neutrality.

There is no mystery whatsoever on how to get there. All the cards are in our hands and now it’s time to play our winning hand to secure the jackpot: ensure we all benefit from this transition, go for real emissions cuts, end the addiction to fossil fuels, supercharge the renewable revolution, stop wasting energy, protect nature, and push the fast-forward button.

As a rich economy and a major historic emitter, the EU should and can achieve emissions reductions of at least 65% by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2040.

We do

The upcoming National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) revision, taking place between 2023 and 2024, is a fundamental opportunity for EU Member States to set things right – to bring NECPs much closer to their real, transformative potential. We will monitor, assess, advocate and push for the right measures.

The LIFE TogetherFor1.5 project aims to align the EU’s climate action with the 1.5°C objective of the Paris Agreement, building on three climate and energy policy opportunities: the finalisation and implementation of the Fit for 55 legislative package and RePowerEU; the revision of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs); and the revision of the national Long-Term Strategies (LTS).

These EU and national level policy processes are major societal and economic transformation opportunities that can significantly accelerate the EU’s transition to climate neutrality, also thanks to the resources available via the EU funding instruments.

Bond Beter Leefmilieu unites 130 nature and environmental organisations and strengthens the voice of sustainable frontrunners in Flanders, Belgium. Our goal: to stimulate the transition to a society with a fully renewable, circular economy, where everyone lives well without harming the environment, nature or public health. To achieve this, we work with citizens, social organisations, companies and governments on feasible and innovative solutions.

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe’s leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change, following scientific findings. With over 180 member organisations active in 38 European countries, representing over 1.500 NGOs and more than 47 million citizens, CAN Europe promotes sustainable climate, energy and development policies throughout Europe.

The Center for Transport and Energy (CDE) is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1998 that focuses on the climate impacts of transport and energy production. We see our goal as building and strengthening a broad platform of groups and individuals interested in pursuing a sustainable future.

The Danish 92 Group is a coalition of 25 Danish NGOs working on environment and development issues. The group was established in 1991 with the mandate of coordinating the Danish NGOs’ preparations for the United Nations’ Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, 1992. Today the Danish 92 Group is working on a variety of different issues related to sustainable development at both national and international level.

Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR) is an NGO devoted to the promotion of sustainable energy development. We have successfully implemented more than 100 projects with goals ranging from climate change mitigation, encouraging citizens’ participation in sustainable energy policy-making, improving education about RES and alleviating energy poverty.

Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to nature conservation. Our mission is to preserve endangered species and their habitats, natural landscapes and natural associations typical of Estonia. We promote the sustainable use of natural resources, raise environmental awareness in the society and seek solutions for preserving a clean environment for future generations.

Focus, Association for Sustainable Development is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical association of individuals. Focus is committed to promoting comprehensive socioeconomic changes towards a decent life within planetary boundaries. We fulfil our mission through research, awareness-raising, advocacy, and participation in policy-making processes. Our work focuses on the following areas: climate change, energy, sustainable mobility, global responsibility, ethical consumption and degrowth.

Germanwatch e.V: is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in 1991. It actively promotes
global equity, the respect of human rights and livelihood preservation, with a focus on the politics and economics of the Global North and their worldwide consequences. The situation of marginalised people in the Global South is the starting point for Germanwatch’s work. The organisation advocates for sustainable development.

Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation works on sustainable and climate policy on national, regional, and local level in Poland. The organisation prepares strategic documents and programmes, prepares and leads education campaigns, engages in consultation and public participation processes. Part of the work is also advocacy on sustainability and active climate change policy. The organisation makes strategic environmental impact assessments and provides environmental expertise to business and local authorities.

The National Society of Conservationists – Friends of the Earth Hungary (MTVSZ, FoE HU) is a national grassroots non-governmental campaigning umbrella organisation with more than 100 member associations across Hungary with 30,000 members. Its mission is the comprehensive protection of nature, as well as the promotion of sustainable development. MTVSZ strives to draw attention to the drivers of environmental problems mainly in relation to climate and energy policy, nature protection, economic justice, food and agriculture.

The Climate Action Network France, a federation of 37 national and local associations, fights against the causes of climate change, from the international to the local level. It is the French representative of the Climate Action Network International. It covers all sectors responsible for climate change: transportation, energy production, agriculture and food, housing, and works to develop alternative and ambitious measures to fight against climate change and its impacts.

SEO/BirdLife is a scientific and conservationist association devoted to the study and conservation of birds and nature, with nearly 70 years of continuous activity. Through its Environmental Governance Unit, SEO/BirdLife monitors and where necessary calls for change in the legislation and governance for biodiversity, energy and climate issues at international, EU, national and regional level. Today, over 22,000 members support our work and contribute in different ways to the association.

VedvarendeEnergi (SustainableEnergy) is a politically independent and membership-based organisation working in Denmark and internationally for a sustainable world. It has worked since 1975 for the transition of Denmark to renewable energy and lower resource use with public involvement and local solutions. This includes following national and EU policies, promoting local energy communities, circular economy, local repair shops and other.

Za Zemiata (For the Earth) is a Bulgarian environmental organisation, registered in 1995, determined to work for sustainable life on our planet and to combat exploitation of people and nature. Za Zemiata strives for an outward-oriented policy and activities of environmental protection and restoration, carried out in co-operation with volunteers and Bulgarian and international NGOs in the fields of energy and climate, air, zero waste, economic justice, food and agriculture.

ZERO is an environmental NGO that aims to defend sustainability values, and to uphold the balance between environment, society and economy in order to build a more cohesive world, socially and economically, respecting the natural planetary boundaries.

CAN Europe

CAN Europe
Brigitta BOZSO

Brigitta BOZSO

Brigitta is coordinating LIFE Together for 1.5 at Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. She is passionate about leaving a peac eful and thriving Planet to the next generations (who are already rampaging in her living room).

Cristina DASCALU

Cristina DASCALU

Cristina is part of the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe’s communications team and a communications coordinator for the Together for 1.5 project. She dreams about having a properly insulated house and safe roads for biking in Brussels.

Giulia NARDI

Giulia NARDI

Giulia is the Climate and Energy project officer of the Togetherfor1.5 project at climate action network (CAN) Europe. If she’s not advocating for climate action or systemic change, she's probably listening to music.

Federico MASCOLO

Federico MASCOLO

Federico is the policy coordinator of the TogetherFor1.5 project at Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. He can’t wait for the moment when the Planet will be safe, so he can go back to his books.

BBL - Belgium
Yelter Bollen

Yelter Bollen

Yelter is the policy officer on climate policy and sustainable finance for Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL). He’s either plodding through spreadsheets or banging a drum in a climate march.

CDE - Czech Republic


Barbora is a director of CDE and a project manager of this project. She focuses mainly on national and EU climate policy. Together with her children she takes care of a small flower meadow for pollinators in the middle of Prague.



Kateřina is a project manager at CDE, focusing on EU climate policy and decarbonisation of the Czech economy. She cares about all things climate - from saving the whales to designing a national climate strategy fit for the 1,5°C.

Štěpán VIZI

Štěpán VIZI

Štěpán joined CDE at the beginning of 2022 and focuses on EU climate policy and the EU Fit for 55 package, which includes legislative proposals in the areas of climate, energy, and transport. He has experience with project management from various non-profit organisations. He is also co-author of the Czech-German climate podcast Karbon.

Danish 92 Group - Denmark


Dan has 20 years’ experience working on environmental policy including 12 years in Greenpeace and six years as policy advisor at the Danish 92 Group. He is an environmentalist himself, but he dreams about policy reforms, that will make pro-environment decision-making an economic necessity for everyone, rather than a result of environmental concern.



Luna joined the Danish 92 Group in 2020 as a policy advisor and works on both administrative and policy issues for the project. She dreams of a fossil-free future where a truly sustainable choice is the only option left.



Troels became the coordinator of the Danish 92 Group Secretariat in 2007. Troels is involved with policy and the overall implementation of the project activities. Troels enjoys exploring the Danish scenery together with his family travelling in their electric car - and looks forward to the day the last fossil car is off the streets.

DOOR - Croatia
Miljenka KUHAR

Miljenka KUHAR

Miljenka is expert in social sciences and within this project coordinates activities linked to stakeholder engagement and involvement of relevant societal groups in NECP and nLTS development, revision and implementation. She is passionate about speaking up for equality, inclusiveness and sustainability.



Maja is DOOR’s project manager for TogetherFor1.5 project and is involved in implementing all project activities as she is an expert in national and EU energy (RES, energy efficiency) and climate policies. Maja believes that citizens have to be involved in energy and climate planning on all levels to ensure inclusive energy transition.

ELF - Estonia
Katre LIIV

Katre LIIV

Katre is part of the communications team in Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) and manages communications of the Together for 1.5 project in Estonia. She dreams that her work helps to give her kids a future to dream of.



Piret is a climate policy expert in Estonian Fund for Nature and manager of the project in Estonia. She dreams about the moment where the inevitable need for climate and energy transition and cost of inaction is widely understood and recognized in Estonia, so that solutions prevail over objections.

FOCUS - Slovenia


Taj is project manager of LIFE Together for 1.5 at Focus, an association for Sustainable Development, where he mainly works on national and EU climate and energy policies. He strives for a life-sustaining economy within planetary boundaries.

Barbara KVAC

Barbara KVAC

Barbara is senior expert and lead of Climate Program at Focus Association for Sustainable Development. Within this project she works on national and EU climate policies and supports the Focus team in implementing all project activities. She is a proponent of living well while respecting our planet’s limits .

Germanwatch e. V. - Germany


Charly is policy advisor for EU Climate Policy. He is advising Germanwatch on EU climate governance, drawing on six years of work in the European Parliament on climate, energy and transport files. Charly believes that climate action works best when co-benefits like creation of public spaces, better air quality and lower energy bills benefit people with lower income.



Sylwia is a policy advisor for Polish-German climate policy cooperation. Within this project she works on national and EU climate policies. She dreams about widespread and deeply-held commitment to sustainable lifestyle in every corner of the world, so that we do not live at the expense of future generations. Prevention and collaboration for planet Earth - that’s what we need!



Marion is a Senior Advisor for EU Climate Policy and Franco-German Cooperation. She is Germanwatch's project manager for the TogetherFor1.5 project. She draws on experience working on climate policies at the local and regional level and believes climate action measures work best when designed with subnational and civil society actors.  

ISD - Poland


Wojciech is an expert in regional development, sustainable transport, environmental assessment and climate policy. He has worked for environmental NGOs for over 18 years. He is a coordinator of the project in Poland. He would like to live in a 100% renewables system.



Andrzej is a senior expert in climate policy. Within the project he follows all the climate policy matters in Poland and manages most important policy contacts. He lives for the betterment of future generations.



Konrad is a promotion officer of the ISD Foundation. Within the project he promotes the actions of the ISD Foundation and the TF1.5 project in Poland. He wants to live a sustainable life.



Hanna is a financial director of the ISD Foundation with many years of experience. She does the accountancy for the project in Poland. She wants to change the world for the greener.

MTVSZ (NSC-FoE Hungary)


Alexa is the climate and energy program director of MTVSZ / NSC-FoE Hungary, with decades of experience in climate and energy policy advocacy and awareness raising. She pursues local energy transformation and likes to hike in nature.



Miklós joined the MTVSZ and the project team in March 2023 as climate & energy transformation campaigner. He has decades long experience as environmental project manager, in policy making and implementation (programming, strategy elaboration, project management, communication, budget monitoring, assessment etc.)



Ildiko is the Head of Communications NSC-FoE Hungary, responsible for the NGO’s mediawork, PR, website, social media; the Hungarian communications officer for this project. She likes to spend her free time gardening with her family.

RAC - France


Caroline works on EU policies in Réseau Action Climat. Before that, she spent two years in Brussels working on EU sustainable finance and energy efficiency policies. She likes playing music and would like to live in a world that respects planet boundaries.



Yvon is in charge of the digital communication of the Climate Action Network. After experience in human rights and biodiversity advocacy, he became firmly convinced that civil society is the best vector to initiate a systemic transformation of society. When he is not working, he cultivates his passions for music and aerial circus.



Mathilde works as Head of Communication in Réseau Action Climat. Before that, she started working for 5 years in an advertising agency then 5 years at UNICEF France as a communication officer. She likes sports and culture. She would like to live in a fairer society.

Emeline NOTARI

Emeline NOTARI

Emeline works on national policies in Climate Action Network France. She previously worked on the national sea and coast strategy at the Ministry of Environment and then on the biodiversity strategy at a french association called "Humanité et Biodiversité". She loves cooking, hiking and doing yoga but what she loves even more is fighting for a sustainable future.



Clara works on local climate policies for Climate Action Network France. She believes and participates in citizens' organising to fight together for a better world and influence local to international policies.

SEO/BirdLife - Spain


Ana has worked as a rural development and environment technician, and is currently climate and energy officer at SEO/BirdLife, where she has coordinated for Spain the LIFE Unify project to monitor and evaluate policies, strategies, measures and financing on climate and energy. She would like to live in a healthy, energy-efficient and nature-friendly city and be part of a sustainable, resilient and just society.



David has worked for 35 years in the conservation sector in Scotland and Spain on policies for nature, water, agriculture, forestry, EU funds, energy and climate change, including the recent LIFE Unify project. A lifetime fan of David Attenborough, he supports a small woodland restoration and classical music charity in N-W Spain, and is a volunteer worker in an organic cooperative supermarket in Madrid.

Vedvarende Energi - Denmark
Bjarke Rambøll

Bjarke Rambøll

M.Sc in Engineering is leader of the secretariat and has experience in engineering, project management and green policies

Gunnar Boye Olesen

Gunnar Boye Olesen

M.Sc in Engineering is political coordinator and has experience in engineering and green policies

Amanda Thomassen Birk

Amanda Thomassen Birk

Amanda Thomassen Birk is studying political science and is project assistant to the project.

Za Zemiata - Bulgaria
Radostina SLAVKOVA

Radostina SLAVKOVA

Radostina started as a volunteer at Za Zemiata in 2012 and now is an integral part of the “Climate and Energy” team. She is the national coordinator of LIFE Together for 1.5. Radostina dreams of the world in which citizens are part of a decentralised and democratised energy system based on renewable energy sources.

Simeon GOROV

Simeon GOROV

Simeon is a coal and gas phase out coordinator at the “Climate and Energy” team of Za Zemiata. He dreams of a cleaner, balanced, fair and bright future of the Earth, where people, flora and fauna live in harmony and without deprivation.

ZERO - Portugal


Bárbara is the project manager of LIFE TogetherFor1.5 at ZERO. In her free time she loves doing outdoor sports such as surfing or rock climbing and she thinks that spending time in Nature is a simple way to respect it and naturally incorporate the values of sustainability.



Susana works as a project officer at ZERO. She dreams of a world where everyone can breathe clean air, walk and cycle safely in cities.
