Polish NECP
The lack of a 2050 perspective for climate and energy remains a fundamental problem also for the development of the future NECP. Poland does not have a climate law, and has yet to adopt its national Long Term Strategy (nLTS). Although the government has taken some isolated actions – which are partially beneficial – they do not have a strategic point of reference. For a successful revision of its NECP, the nLTS should be prepared as quickly as possible.
Click HERE to download the Polish draft NECP country assessment
Poland – climate action progress in figures
Check Poland’s implementation of its National Energy and Climate Plan
Poland has not submitted a draft NECP update to the Commission. The national policy projections shown in NECP Tracker are based upon the version from 2019, which was very unambitious in comparison to scenarios proposed to fulfil the Paris Agreement obligations. Worryingly, after a few years of declining trends, emissions started rising again in 2021 – surpassing 2016 levels. This was due to higher final and primary energy consumption and not enough development of renewables, electromobility and other non-emission policy solutions.
This shows that Poland must dramatically accelerate climate action. The new Polish government is developing its energy and climate policies, which might result in a more ambitious NECP update (but still not aligned with the EU and Paris Agreement commitments).
Check the methodology behind the figures
Check the key findings the tracker reveals
Polish NECP
The polish government missed the chance to submit its draft National Climate and Energy Plan on time, however it has the chance to set things right. The updated plan needs to boost the renewables uptake, incorporate the civil society contribution and provide a plan to end the fossil fuel era.