REPORT: Mind the NECP Gap – Main findings on ambition and implementation gaps from the latest NECPs
The NECP tracker has a double function: on the one hand, it assesses the ambition of the latest available NECPs (i.e. either the draft or final updates) by comparing them with EU 2030 climate targets and energy benchmarks. On the other hand, it monitors whether national governments are implementing their old 2019 NECPs as planned...
15th March, 2023
The current decade is a crucial phase of the Paris Agreement pathway that would allow us to stay within the 1.5°C limit established under the Paris Agreement and thus avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
NECPs are National Energy and Climate Plans for 2021-2030 – These fundamental documents combine the targets, policies and measures planned by EU Member States to achieve their climate and energy commitments.

Join the conversation
National Energy and Climate Plans for 2021-2030 are fundamental documents that combine the targets, policies and measures planned by EU Member States to achieve their climate and energy commitments.
The deadline for Member States to come up with their new draft NECPs – June 2023 – is swiftly approaching. The new final revised plans – which should factor in feedback from the European Commission and views of the public – will then have to be submitted in June 2024. This revision is an essential moment for EU Member States to set things right – to bring NECPs much closer to their real, transformative potential.
More ambitious NECPs should help to keep global warming to 1.5°C, while at the same time ensuring energy security and more equity and justice in Europe.
As an European citizen, have your say on your NECP. Follow us on Twitter and join forces for a better, safer, more just Europe.
Country Assessments
Click on the countries to see their performance on the implementation of National Energy and Climate Plans.
14 climate and environment NGOs based in thirteen European countries working together to put Europe on track for achieving a safe and stable climate for current and future generations. We are committed to push our governments to accelerate climate action in our countries and to keep them accountable for their actions.
Key Messages
To the European Commission
National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) can be a powerful instrument in the EU’s contribution to limit global warming to 1.5°C, while at the same time ensuring energy security and energy justice across the EU. The upcoming NECPs revision, 2023 – 2024, must be prioritised by the European Commission as it is a fundamental opportunity for EU Member States to set things right – to bring NECPs much closer to their real, transformative potential.
To national governments
You have now a historic opportunity to deliver true change and make the life of the citizens better: keep them safe from climate impacts and sky-rocketing (fossil) energy bills. You need to put all hands on deck and dramatically increase nature-friendly and socially just climate action in the next few years. Speed up energy transformation to increase energy security, address fossil energy crisis and provide clean and affordable energy supply. NECPs are your tool.
To concerned ones
This project will closely monitor the processes and the plans that our countries will put forward in order to reduce our emissions and transform the way we produce and consume energy. These national plans must help solve the climate, energy and cost of living crisis. We don’t even need a miracle, but just all hands on deck and the political will to go for an accelerated climate action. Together we can make governments act and address dangerous climate change at an accelerated pace. Subscribe to our newsletter and let’s join forces.
FF55 & RepowerEU
Now to March 2023
Finalisation and implementation of the Fit for 55 legislative package and RePowerEU
The revision of NECPs
Now to June 2023
Draft NECPs to be submitted by all member countries to the European Commission.
June to December 2023
Feedback on the draft plans from the European Commission.
June 2024
Final NECPs to be submitted by all member countries to the European Commission.
Revision of the EU long term strategy (LTS)
End of 2023 – mid-2024
New EU climate target proposal for 2040
Revision of the national Long-Term Strategies (nLTS)
Finalisation of nLTS
The revision of NECPs
Now to June 2023
Draft NECPs to be submitted by all member countries to the European Commission.
June to December 2023
Feedback on the draft plans from the European Commission.
June 2024
Final NECPs to be submitted by all member countries to the European Commission.
FF55 & RepowerEU
Now to March 2023
Finalisation and implementation of the Fit for 55 legislative package and RePowerEU
Revision of the EU long term strategy (LTS)
End of 2023 – mid-2024
New EU climate target proposal for 2040
Revision of the national Long-Term Strategies (nLTS)
Finalisation of nLTS
NECPs explained
National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) are the concrete national energy
and climate pathways of all EU countries.
The opportunity
All EU countries have a fundamental opportunity in the revision of their National Energy and Climate Plans, taking place between 2023 and 2024, to set things right and increase their national climate ambition in order to put the EU on track with the Paris Agreement and go for a deep transformation of the way we produce and consume energy.
The impact
These pathways have a direct impact on us. Not only are they supposed to keep us safe from dangerous climate change impacts (floods, droughts, heatwaves, fires); but also to improve our lives. These plans will determine whether we will receive financial support to insulate our houses or install solar panels and have us stop worrying about our energy bills.