
Letter to European Ministers for Energy ahead of Informal Energy Council

Letter to European Ministers for Energy ahead of Informal Energy Council

Ahead of the Informal Energy Council on 16 July 2024, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe has written to Europe’s Ministers for Energy regarding the upcoming key priority areas of the Hungarian presidency. The Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU will focus on key topics such as the National Energy and Climate Plans, electricity systems, and competitiveness. It is crucial that the policies and measures are set in a participatory, sustainable, and just way towards a fossil-free, socially just and climate neutral European Union.

Press materials
PRESS RELEASE: National Energy and Climate Plans for European countries WANTED

PRESS RELEASE: National Energy and Climate Plans for European countries WANTED

Tomorrow, 30 June, marks the official deadline for EU countries to submit their updated final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. These plans will reveal their new contributions to the EU 2030 climate and energy targets and the policies that lead there. As of now, unless there is a massive last-minute submission tomorrow, many countries will not respect this deadline...

Highlights News
Reality Check: Final NECPs to Reveal Genuine Climate Action

Reality Check: Final NECPs to Reveal Genuine Climate Action

On June 30, Member States have to submit the final revision of their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. This deadline risks being neglected by the public discourse, as it falls in the aftermath of the EU elections and at a time when the buzz around them remains loud. It would be a mistake: this is one of the moments of truth for Europe’s commitment to climate action. Here’s why.

LETTER to the European Commission: update long-term strategies and issue guidance for Member States

LETTER to the European Commission: update long-term strategies and issue guidance for Member States

We as signatory organisations to this letter ask you to invite and encourage Member States to update their national long-term strategies, and to provide guidance to them on how best to do so. We also ask you to prepare an update to the EU’s own Long Term Strategy, for submission to the UNFCCC...

Fossil fuels subsidies phase out in the draft NECPs – Where are we at?

Fossil fuels subsidies phase out in the draft NECPs – Where are we at?

Member States are required under the Governance regulation 2018/1999 to report all their energy subsidies and the phasing out plans of all fossil fuel subsidies in their respective National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). In particular the final NECPs should fulfill what is reported in section 3.1.3. (iv) of the regulation: “Where applicable, national policies...

REPORT: Urgent call to strengthen final NECPs updates across 18 EU countries

REPORT: Urgent call to strengthen final NECPs updates across 18 EU countries

Most Member States have now submitted the draft updates of their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), and only a few months are left before they are required to submit their final NECP updates (30 June). This update is crucial for Member States to develop national plans that truly accelerate climate action and the energy transition across the EU already in this decade, while protecting people and the environment...

Events News
CONFERENCE – The Pathway to 1.5°C: Climate and Energy Planning in Central and Eastern Europe

CONFERENCE – The Pathway to 1.5°C: Climate and Energy Planning in Central and Eastern Europe

The environmental NGO FOCUS (Association for Sustainable Development) - with the support of CAN Europe and of the LIFE TF1.5 consortium - organised a two days conference, revolving around Climate and Energy Planning in Central and Eastern Europe. Topics of interest included the NECPs State of play - four months ahead of the submission deadline of the finalized NECPs by Member States (30 June), how to enhance ambition, public participation and transparency during the drafting process of the plans...

NEW REPORT: enhancing data transparency across Europe is critical for credible climate and energy policies

NEW REPORT: enhancing data transparency across Europe is critical for credible climate and energy policies

Access to and the quality of energy and climate information across Europe is extremely poor, a new report “Transparency and Access to Data on Climate Action” by a group of climate NGOs, finds. The authors, the Together for 1.5 consortium, present best practices and recommendations for improvement towards Member States and the EU, and call for swift action to allow civil society and other stakeholders to have a say in the decision-making processes, based on accurate, complete and timely data.

LETTER to the European Commission on the recent Assessment report of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)

LETTER to the European Commission on the recent Assessment report of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)

In light of the Commission’s recent Assessment report of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and the Commission’s ongoing bilateral discussions with Member States, we (undersigned: the Together for 1.5 Consortium, 14 civil society organisations from across Europe) would like to express our concerns regarding the NECP revision process. In line with the ESABCC’s key recommendation, we urge the Commission to intensify its efforts and – if necessary – employ enforcement measures to decisively prompt Member States to address the shortcomings of the NECPs.


We have to substantially change the way we produce and consume energy, build and renovate buildings, move around, transport goods, handle our waste and produce food. The National Energy and Climate Plans touch upon policies and measures related to almost every aspect of life and economy. To curb greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5°C limit is an enormous task ahead, that requires an unprecedented level of action – for which NECPs should pave the way.

Power to the ROOFS

National Energy and Climate Plans - explainer

Heat our homes, not our planet

Here's how we get to the 1.5°C goal

VIDEO: Paris Pact Payoff: socio-economic co-benefits