Portugese NECP

As a general note, the upcoming revision on the NECP should be done simultaneously with an update of the national Long Term Strategy (nLTS), the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050, to ensure a coherent ambition of targets, policies and measures. When it comes to policies and measures that should be considered in the upcoming NECP revision, two sectoral areas are of particular concern in Portugal: transport and buildings.


Click HERE to download the Portuguese draft NECP country assessment

Portugal – climate action progress in figures

Check Portugal’s implementation of its National Energy and Climate Plan

The draft updated version doesn’t add much to the 2019 NECP. The economy-wide GHG emission reduction target was updated to the upper limit of the range in the previous version. The primary energy consumption target remains the same, and the target for renewables in the energy mix slightly increases. Sectoral GHG reduction targets remain the same.  The main difference is the large increase of renewables’ share in energy generation

(mainly aimed at producing green hydrogen to export). There’s still much room for improvement, both on targets and measures, especially in sectors that are off-track, such as energy consumption, agriculture and transport.

Check the methodology behind the figures
Check the key findings the tracker reveals


Portuguese NECP Assessment

Portuguese NECP Assessment

Overall Portugal does not move towards a 1.5° trajectory. The plan fulfils the minimum EU requirement for climate effort sharing. However, the energy efficiency contribution is not in line with the EU 2030 energy efficiency target and it is unclear whether the contribution for renewable energy is in line with the EU-binding renewables target...

NECPs Explainer

If we were to tell you in one minute everything about EU National and Energy Climate Plans (NECPs), this is how we’d do it. Watch the video and see by yourself the links between National Energy and Climate Plans and our day-to-day European lives.