The Polish government announced a plan to reach a zero-emission public bus fleet in 2030. Purchase of new zero emission buses is going to be obligatory for public operators. More measures like this are needed in the Polish NECP! development.
– Poland will have about 13000 zero emission public buses in 2030;
– In 2030 the whole public buses fleet in Poland will be zero emission;
– More measures like this are needed in the Polish NECP!

Polish public transport is neglected, especially outside city limits. Many municipalities and cities do not have sufficient public transport service, and even if they do, the service is maintained by the old diesel bus fleet. The newest, electric bus fleet was affordable so far only for the biggest, most wealthy cities. This is a shame, especially considering that Poland is the biggest producer of electric buses in Europe (of which 75% are exported).
To change this situation, the Polish government is going to use both legislative and funding leverages. A special law is projected to allow public transport companies to purchase only low-emission buses from 2027. At the same time public funding, combined from European Union funds and national sources, has been set up to substitute all the old buses with low-emissions ones, predominantly electric. With these measures most public transport bus fleets are going to be low-emission in 2030.