

POLICY BRIEF: Enabling a 2040 climate-neutral EU – A science-based 2040 EU climate target and how to reach it

POLICY BRIEF: Enabling a 2040 climate-neutral EU – A science-based 2040 EU climate target and how to reach it

This year, the European Union will add another fundamental brick in its climate architecture: a 2040 climate target. Setting a 2040 target is a legal obligation under the European Climate Law. But it also raises a crucial opportunity for the EU to go beyond its current level of ambition.

JOINT BRIEFING: Good Practices on Climate Action and Energy Transition at Local Level

JOINT BRIEFING: Good Practices on Climate Action and Energy Transition at Local Level

This briefing, published by the Together for 1.5 consortium the 5th of December, highlights the wide diversity of local actions on climate and energy that local authorities may develop in their territories, as well as the similarities between sectoral measures put in place in different Member States to curb energy use and GHG emissions, which allows to replicate or adapt best practices in other EU territories, while ensuring the protection of nature and strengthening socio-economic aspects.

REPORT: Mind the NECP Gap – Main findings on ambition and implementation gaps from the latest NECPs

REPORT: Mind the NECP Gap – Main findings on ambition and implementation gaps from the latest NECPs

The NECP tracker has a double function: on the one hand, it assesses the ambition of the latest available NECPs (i.e. either the draft or final updates) by comparing them with EU 2030 climate targets and energy benchmarks. On the other hand, it monitors whether national governments are implementing their old 2019 NECPs as planned...

REPORT: Urgent call to strengthen final NECPs updates across 18 EU countries

REPORT: Urgent call to strengthen final NECPs updates across 18 EU countries

Most Member States have now submitted the draft updates of their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs), and only a few months are left before they are required to submit their final NECP updates (30 June). This update is crucial for Member States to develop national plans that truly accelerate climate action and the energy transition across the EU already in this decade, while protecting people and the environment...

NEW REPORT: enhancing data transparency across Europe is critical for credible climate and energy policies

NEW REPORT: enhancing data transparency across Europe is critical for credible climate and energy policies

Access to and the quality of energy and climate information across Europe is extremely poor, a new report “Transparency and Access to Data on Climate Action” by a group of climate NGOs, finds. The authors, the Together for 1.5 consortium, present best practices and recommendations for improvement towards Member States and the EU, and call for swift action to allow civil society and other stakeholders to have a say in the decision-making processes, based on accurate, complete and timely data.

REPORT: Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits

REPORT: Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits

The new report “Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits”, brings convincing arguments that climate action is not just necessary, but economically rational. Protecting people and the planet from the devastating impacts of dangerous climate change is a moral duty, as well as a pragmatic choice.

Public participation in NECPs: Evidence of weak & uneven compliance

Public participation in NECPs: Evidence of weak & uneven compliance

Planning the fundamental reforms that will directly affect the ways of life of millions of European citizens cannot take place in an ivory tower. Given the scale and pace of climate action that is required, citizens and stakeholders must be consulted and participate meaningfully in the elaboration of NECPs – or else society will not consent to the proposed measures.


We have to substantially change the way we produce and consume energy, build and renovate buildings, move around, transport goods, handle our waste and produce food. The National Energy and Climate Plans touch upon policies and measures related to almost every aspect of life and economy. To curb greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5°C limit is an enormous task ahead, that requires an unprecedented level of action – for which NECPs should pave the way.

Power to the ROOFS

National Energy and Climate Plans - explainer

Heat our homes, not our planet

Here's how we get to the 1.5°C goal

VIDEO: Paris Pact Payoff: socio-economic co-benefits