The French Strategy for Climate and Energy misses a major opportunity as it does not integrate a financing plan.13 to 15 billion EUR of annual public and private investments in favor of the climate are missing to respect the current National Low Carbon Strategy. A multi-year financing plan to make especially to accompany households in their transition is necessary.
- 13 to 15 billion EUR of annual public and private investments in favor of the climate are missing to respect the current National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC/NECP).
- Yet the current NECP does not contain a component on financing, particularly with regard to the support for households
- A multi-year financing plan for a fair transition is needed.
The current NECP (French Strategy for Climate and Energy, SFEC) misses a major issue: its financing. And yet this is the essence: only financing the measures in the NECP will enable us to achieve its objectives. As a reminder, 13 to 15 billion EUR of annual public and private climate investment is missing from the current National Low Carbon Strategy. It is imperative to prevent this phenomenon from happening again with the revision of our NECP.
If the crisis we are going through has taught us anything, it is that the delay in the ecological transition ends up weighing on households. People end up paying the cost of climatic inaction, when they can no longer move because of the increase in fuel prices, when they can no longer heat their homes because of the increase in fossil energy prices or when they have to reduce the quality of their purchases. In some cases even forced to resort to the help of associations, in the face of 14% inflation on food. When the State does not assume its role in the ecological transition , each and everyone must face with the means at their disposal, which are of a great disparity.
This is why it is essential, for a fair transition, that the next NECP is accompanied by a multi-year financing plan to make it operational and support households in their transition. This plan would make it possible to define :
- the public finance trajectory for the key sectors of the transition
- the resources of public operators for the ecological transition
- aid to local authorities and households for the ecological transition
- the objectives of reducing public spending that is harmful to the climate and biodiversity
- the greening of the various fields of public spending, in particular State allocations to local authorities, support for businesses and official development assistance.