
The public launch of the Together For 1.5 Project in Bulgaria happened on 30th March 2023, as part of the monthly thematical in-person meetings with volunteers and supporters of Za Zemiata, called “Code: GREEN”. The event coincided with the last day of the election campaign for the 6th-in-a-row Parliamentary elections. There are many hopes of forming a regular government that can pursue ambitious climate actions as one of its priorities.

In а presentation with Q&A session the project coordinator Radostina Primova presented the aims of the project and deliverables by the end of 2023, with a focus on the NECP revision work and NECP Awards campaign. Together with a meteorology graduate, she elaborated on the 1.5 C target, the climate science behind it and what does it mean to live in different global warming scenarios.

Furthermore, feasible pathways on how to reach the 1.5 goal based on recent IPCC reports and the upcoming Bulgarian Paris Agreement Compatible Scenario (PAC) scenario were shown.  

In the second part of the event there was an interactive session showcasing the “Climate Fresk game, explaining in an easy and accessible way the main interlinkages of climate science based on the latest UN reports.

The presentation (in Bulgarian) can be found here. More information about the launch event is available in the facebook event and on the webpage of Za Zemiata.


Download the presentation here