
MEETING – The NECP stakeholders meeting on the second draft of the plan took place in Sofia

MEETING – The NECP stakeholders meeting on the second draft of the plan took place in Sofia

On April the 25th (2024)a stakeholders’ meeting was held at the Balkan Hotel in Sofia on the progress of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) - right before its finalization by June 30th. The meeting was jointly organized by Za Zemiata, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and the Center for Energy Efficiency "EnEfect"...

Joint Position Statement on the second draft of the Bulgarian NECP

Joint Position Statement on the second draft of the Bulgarian NECP

Position on the second draft updated NECP dated February 21, 2023, of the Environmental Association "Za Zemiata" and "Greenpeace" - Bulgaria. [...] The second draft continues to lack key data for the public and expert discussion from the modeling of additional measures to achieve the targets (WAM), as well as the assumptions and analytical basis behind the current modeling.

Bulgarian NECP Assessment

Bulgarian NECP Assessment

Bulgaria has not yet submitted its draft National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) update, nor started any form of public consultation, as of 30 September 2023. It is not clear what the progress on the update is, as no draft or relevant related studies have been released so far. With the new government, a first draft might be expected in late Autumn. Based on previous experiences and available information, civil society organisations have developed a set of recommendations...

Bulgarian NGOs signed the open letter for timely public participation in the NECP revision process

Bulgarian NGOs signed the open letter for timely public participation in the NECP revision process

Za Zemiata and 8 more Bulgarian NGOs signed the international open letter calling for timely public participation in the NECP revision process.The letter was supported by Members of the Climate Coalition of Bulgaria, the Coalition for Green Restart, by the Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy and other. The organizations reached out to the newly elected regular ministers of Environment and Energy, demanding immediately all draft version of the NECP, models and analyses done so far to be made public and a consultation process to finally start...

Public launch of Together For 1.5 Project in Bulgaria

Public launch of Together For 1.5 Project in Bulgaria

The public launch of the Together For 1.5 Project in Bulgaria happened on 30th March 2023, as part of the monthly thematical in-person meetings with volunteers and supporters of Za Zemiata, called "Code: GREEN". The event coincided with the last day of the election campaign for the 6th-in-a-row Parliamentary elections. There are many hopes of forming a regular government that can pursue ambitious climate actions as one of its priorities..