
NECP Tracker – Key Findings

NECP Tracker – Key Findings

The window to stay within the critical 1.5°C global warming threshold, to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis and fulfil the Paris Agreement commitment, is rapidly closing. Postponing decarbonisation is no longer a viable option; the years from now until 2030 are crucial. This was confirmed once more by the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC), whose recent progress report calls on Member States to “urgently adopt and implement national measures to increase the pace of emissions reductions and reverse the declining EU carbon sink”. The report mentions that an ambitious revision of NECPs will be crucial in that regard.

Events News
EVENT – The pathway to 1.5 °C: climate and energy planning in Central and Eastern Europe

EVENT – The pathway to 1.5 °C: climate and energy planning in Central and Eastern Europe

National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) will fundamentally shape the direction of development of EU countries and are an important opportunity to improve climate and energy action by 2030. A just green transition and climate neutrality cannot be achieved without thorough planning and meaningful public participation. In this regard, NECPs are a central strategic tool, as they identify key reforms at national level to achieve climate and energy targets and mobilise key investments...

REPORT: Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits

REPORT: Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits

The new report “Paris Pact Payoff: Speeding up the green transition for socio-economic co-benefits”, brings convincing arguments that climate action is not just necessary, but economically rational. Protecting people and the planet from the devastating impacts of dangerous climate change is a moral duty, as well as a pragmatic choice.

Events News
HIGH-LEVEL EVENT – Report on co-benefits of accelerated climate action: Narratives for CEE in the light of the EU Elections

HIGH-LEVEL EVENT – Report on co-benefits of accelerated climate action: Narratives for CEE in the light of the EU Elections

Climate change remains a critical global issue, with the past five years marked by a surge in efforts to establish robust climate policies across the EU. Undeterred by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, these efforts have intensified, driven by the recognition of climate action and a just energy transition’s vital role in securing energy supply and a sustainable future. This intensification of the green transition presents an opportunity to advocate for comprehensive climate policies that simultaneously address environmental concerns and foster socio-economic benefits...

HighlightsPress materials
PRESS RELEASE: Ambitious National Energy and Climate Plans urgently needed

PRESS RELEASE: Ambitious National Energy and Climate Plans urgently needed

Tomorrow, 30 June, marks the official deadline for EU countries to submit their updated draft National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. These plans will reveal their new contributions to the EU 2030 climate and energy targets and the policies that lead there. As of now, unless there is a massive last-minute submission tomorrow, many countries will not respect this deadline...

Press materials
National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) or Europe in climate action implementation mode

National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) or Europe in climate action implementation mode

By the 30th of June, all EU countries are required to submit their updated draft National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. The European Union has concluded negotiations on almost all energy and climate files under the ‘Fit for 55’ package, establishing climate and energy targets that Member States must achieve...


We have to substantially change the way we produce and consume energy, build and renovate buildings, move around, transport goods, handle our waste and produce food. The National Energy and Climate Plans touch upon policies and measures related to almost every aspect of life and economy. To curb greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5°C limit is an enormous task ahead, that requires an unprecedented level of action – for which NECPs should pave the way.

Power to the ROOFS

National Energy and Climate Plans - explainer

Heat our homes, not our planet

Here's how we get to the 1.5°C goal

VIDEO: Paris Pact Payoff: socio-economic co-benefits