Polish NECP Assessment

Polish NECP Assessment

Proper public consultations, in line with the requirements of the Governance Regulation, did not take place so far, and will only happen once the draft is finalised, thus not before Q4/2023. Pre-consultations have been carried out with relevant stakeholders, who were asked to fill in a form (with many questions, but too little space for answers). Further cooperation is expected within an ad hoc NECP working group recently set up, composed of the Ministry of Climate and Environment and civil society organisations…

Portuguese NECP Assessment

Portuguese NECP Assessment

Overall Portugal does not move towards a 1.5° trajectory. The plan fulfils the minimum EU requirement for climate effort sharing. However, the energy efficiency contribution is not in line with the EU 2030 energy efficiency target and it is unclear whether the contribution for renewable energy is in line with the EU-binding renewables target…

Slovenian NECP Assessment

Slovenian NECP Assessment

Slovenia overall does not move towards a 1.5°C trajectory. Climate targets surpass the EU minimum requirements for climate effort sharing, while both the renewable and the energy efficiency contributions are not in line with the new EU 2030 energy targets. The absence of policies and measures makes it impossible to assess their credibility…

Spanish NECP Assessment

Spanish NECP Assessment

Spain does not move towards a 1.5°C trajectory. However, the climate target surpasses the minimum EU requirement for effort sharing, and the renewables contribution is in line with the EU 2030 targets. Only the energy efficiency contribution…

Estonian NECP Assessment

Estonian NECP Assessment

Estonia fulfils the minimum EU requirements for climate efforts sharing and renewable energy, however overall it does not move towards a 1.5°C trajectory. The energy efficiency contribution for primary energy is almost aligned with the EU 2030 energy efficiency target, while it fails to do so for final energy consumption. As the draft is mostly a summary of pre-existing national targets and measures, and it is not used as a strategic document to improve ambition, it reflects the main shortcomings of Estonia’s climate and energy policy: the lack of a clear oil shale phaseout plan and the lack of policies to reach its LULUCF target…