REPORT: Mind the NECP Gap – Main findings on ambition and implementation gaps from the latest NECPs
The NECP tracker has a double function: on the one hand, it assesses the ambition of the latest available NECPs (i.e. either the draft or final updates) by comparing them with EU 2030 climate targets and energy benchmarks. On the other hand, it monitors whether national governments are implementing their old 2019 NECPs as planned...
Check the most important dates of the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) process
We have to substantially change the way we produce and consume energy, build and renovate buildings, move around, transport goods, handle our waste and produce food. The National Energy and Climate Plans touch upon policies and measures related to almost every aspect of life and economy. To curb greenhouse gas emissions in line with the 1.5°C limit is an enormous task ahead, that requires an unprecedented level of action – for which NECPs should pave the way.