EVENT – Climate and energy plans must be up to an extremely difficult task

EVENT – Climate and energy plans must be up to an extremely difficult task

Ljubljana, February 29, 2024 – Until the end of June, the member states of the European Union have time to work on updating their national energy and climate plans (NEPN). These are extremely important documents for dealing with the climate crisis at the national level, and without strengthening the goals of the member states, even the EU will not fulfill its ambitions in the field of climate and energy.

Energy transition is not a financial burden, but a public interest and even pays well

Energy transition is not a financial burden, but a public interest and even pays well

According to the published report entitled Paris Pact Payoff, the additional benefits of the development path consistent with the 1.5°C average global temperature increase threshold far outweigh the costs. Overall, transformation of the energy system, phasing out of carbon-based systems and deployment of renewable-based systems are not a heavy obligation that represents expense, but a source of income.