Current measures fall short to reach Estonia’s LULUCF target
In order to achieve its climate targets, Estonia needs to introduce additional measures for emissions reductions in the LULUCF sector…
In order to achieve its climate targets, Estonia needs to introduce additional measures for emissions reductions in the LULUCF sector…
The agricultural sector has become the third major non-ETS emitter of GHG emissions in Flanders. The further reduction of methane and nitrous oxide, which together account for 70% of total agricultural emissions…
The agricultural sector is the fourth most emitting sector in Spain, representing 13.4% of the total gross emissions in 2021, a not insignificant figure for a sector with little used sink…
Short agri-food chains and circular economy, adapted to the local context, bringing farmers and local communities closer together through cooperative organisation, food sovereignty and the widespread adoption…
This measure represents continue to support the intensive livestock farming with incentives to make it more efficient, instead of questioning it’s principle and moving towards more sustainable farming systems…
Grazing is key to achieve emissions reduction objectives in the NECP but concrete implementation measures are still needed.