France NECP

The final French NECP includes many targets that are yet to be consulted on, and the reported numbers are therefore draft projections that could be modified. The GHG and renewable energy targets are not consistent with EU legislation. Moreover the NECP does not formally include a target on the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption, and the ambition outlined (35%) is not consistent with the 44% by 2030 target enshrined in EU law.


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France – climate action progress in figures

Check France’s implementation of its National Energy and Climate Plan

For what concerns the plan’s implementation, in the Final updated NECP key elements are missing. A trajectory of how energy consumption will be reduced year by year is missing and WAM projections show that France is not on track to respect its pledges on energy efficiency and ESR. Projections on renewables targets lead to an improved RES target, even if still below the EU benchmark. French carbon sink potential is also lower than expected, which has led France to lower its ambition on LULUCF to -18MtCO2 for 2030.

Related to the 2019 NECP implementation, for several of the NECP tracker climate indicators, the NECP values don’t seem to match with the EEA dataset used for historical data; in addition, aggregate non-ETS and ETS values are not available. As of 2022, overall greenhouse gas emissions were roughly aligned with the trajectory projected in the old (2019) NECP, which calls for a drastic acceleration of climate action to meet the new 2030 climate targets.

Check here our latest briefing from October 2024 “Mind the NECP Gap”


French NECP Assessment

French NECP Assessment

Many details still cannot be derived from the Action Plan. France does not move towards a 1.5°C trajectory. As it increased its 2030 economy-wide target, however, France should likely be in line with the EU target for non-ETS sectors. Conversely, the energy efficiency contribution is likely not ambitious enough to align with the EU 2030 energy efficiency target. There is not enough information available with regards to the renewable energy contribution. The draft NECP update needs to be the space to plan for policies and measures (PAMs) that are not laid out in the Action Plan...

French NECP

France is significantly behind schedule in submitting its NECP (National Energy and Climate Plans) draft plan according to the European calendar and is expected to do so only in early next year. The revision process starts with framework law on energy and climate, financing and sectoral laws.