Spanish NECP

Spain is in a great position to boost an ecological, fair, and just transition, powered by an unprecedented deployment of renewable energies – which must be compatible with biodiversity conservation and respectful with local communities-, accompanied by efficiency and energy saving measures in all economic sectors while involving all key actors in society transformation (business, civil society organisations, sectoral associations, citizens) and all levels of decision-making (local, regional and national).

Click here to download the country page from our latest report – “Mind the NECP Gap”



Spain – climate action progress in figures

Check Spain’s implementation of its National Energy and Climate Plan

The updated Spanish final NECP positively aims at climate neutrality before 2050 and the ESR, LULUCF, RES targets – at least on paper – are aligned to the EU benchmarks. However, compared to the previous draft version, a worrying downward readjustment in ESR sectors and energy efficiency targets can be observed. The 2030 gross GHG emissions target (-32% compared to 1990) remains insufficient for Spain to contribute to the Paris Agreement with responsibility and solidarity. Spain is not in line with the minimum EED obligations both for primary and final energy consumption for 2030 and is therefore not compliant with the EU 2030 energy efficiency contributions. 

In 2022, gross and net emissions continued to bounce up, losing their track with the trajectories projected in the old 2019 NECP, after a downward trend from 2017 to 2020. On the other hand, implementation is lagging behind in non-ETS sectors. The most worrisome developments are in the agriculture and transport sectors, where emissions have increased in the past two years and are not aligned with 2019 NECP trajectories anymore. Implementation is also lagging behind in the industry and waste sector. Both primary and final energy consumption values are on track with projected trajectories but, on the other hand, the share of renewables in final energy consumption is 2 percentage points below the 2019 NECP trajectory.

Check here our latest briefing from October 2024 “Mind the NECP Gap”


Spanish NECP Assessment

Spanish NECP Assessment

Spain does not move towards a 1.5°C trajectory. However, the climate target surpasses the minimum EU requirement for effort sharing, and the renewables contribution is in line with the EU 2030 targets. Only the energy efficiency contribution...

Spanish NECP 

The transition of Spain to build a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future implies not only the decarbonization of all sectors of the economy in this decade but also a profound transformation of the society and the modernization of the economy. This is a crucial moment for Spain to adopt a good climate and energy plan that leaves no one behind and takes care of the planet. With the NECPs, we now have the opportunity to make it real.